anthony galvin


A trip to Le Tour

Yorkshire. Huge crowds. Good weather. Great riding. Good company and a long ride.  

For the many British pro-riders who didn’t make the tour (or those that did and then didn’t get past the first week), the 2014 Tour de France is probably one to forget. But for British based cycling fans the 101st edition will stay long in the memory. 


#cycling #tourdefrance #yorkshire #leeds #grappa #hebdenbridge #family #summer #2014

2014-07-11 23:20:00 GMT permalink

An update to a post I made this time last year adding Froome to the list of British cyclists who have worn yellow at Le Tour. As I mentioned when I posted about this before, nationalism and sport are tricky areas, especially when we start talking about British sports people. Of the people on the list only 3 were born in the UK (by birth Millar, Wiggins and Froome are Maltese, Belgian and Kenyan respectively), which throws into relief what British might mean in this context. 

From my perspective I’d hope to cheer anyone who rides with panache in the pro peloton, but as a British cyclist myself I take some pride in the performances of people representing British cycling. So to these six I say Chapeau.

#cycling #tourdefrance #yellow #britishcycling #helvetica #nationalism

2013-07-18 11:35:00 GMT permalink

Pictures from stage 18, the time trial at Annecy.

#tourdefrance, #cycling #photo

2009-07-25 16:26:00 GMT permalink

Pictures from stage 17 at the top of the Col de la Colombiere.

#tourdefrance #cycling #photo

2009-07-25 16:25:00 GMT permalink

Pictures from stage 16 at Pre Saint Didier.

#tourdefrance #cycling #photo

2009-07-25 16:24:00 GMT permalink

Pictures from stage 15 as Le Tour climbs up to Verbier.

#cycling #photo #tourdefrance

2009-07-20 13:12:00 GMT permalink