anthony galvin

Technologist at TodayTix Group, Cyclist, Stewkley Cricket player, family man. Lover of digital and analogue technology, scottish islands and snow.

Pinned Posts

It’s not everyday a double Olympic champion cycles through your village. #cycling

It’s not everyday a double Olympic champion cycles through your village. When Remco came to Maidford

#cycling #maidford #olympics #tourofbritain #remco


25 Years #work

25 Years I bought a book on building websites from the computer section of Foyles on Charing Cross road. The 'internet' section didn't even fill a whole shelf.

#work #career #web #25years


Spring in the Alps #boarding

Spring in the Alps Spring in the Alps. Fun in the sun and snow!

#boarding #family #morzine #snow #france #holiday #environment


Paris Roubaix #cycling

Paris Roubaix We ended up accidentally catching a bit of Paris-Roubaix on the way home from the Alps.

#cycling #paris-roubaix #france


Ulva Bothy #scotland

Ulva Bothy As the Scots say, "West is best". So for our August holiday we put that to the test, heading slightly further west than usual. But not by much. A few days west of our usual summer spot on Mull, in a off-grid Bothy on Ulva.

#scotland #mull #islands #ulva #family #holiday #2023 #bothy


VP Engineering Dashboard #work

VP Engineering Dashboard Productivity advice famously doesn't work. A persons tips are almost certainly only applicable to them - we are unique individuals, perhaps with only a love of searching the internet for productivity tips in common. So with that caveat I'm sharing an approach that's been working for me.

#work #process #productivity #career


Best photos of 2023 #photo

Best photos of 2023 Looking back on all the different phone snaps from the last 12 months and picking my favourite photos from 2023.

#photo #retrospective #2023 #iphone


Specialists and generalists: The challenge of building multi-stack engineering experience #work

Specialists and generalists: The challenge of building multi-stack engineering experience When I started off in web development, back in the last century, everyone was a generalist. And generally people didn't really know what they were doing.

#work #software #development #career #fullstack #hiring


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